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Culture and Language Resources for Families

Niles Township High School District 219 is committed to working with all of our families as they advocate for their children's academic success. This support includes interpretation and translation services for our multilingual community and connections to culture-based parent groups.

Culture-Based Parent Groups

These groups connect parents to school processes, activities and resources. The Family Liaisons also connect with the parent groups by facilitating conversations in home languages to increase effective communication between parents and teachers and other staff.

Connect with Us

Meet the Family Liaisons

Family liaisons provide interpretation and translation services and work as advocates for district families.

D219 Family Liaison languages include:

  • Arabic العربية
  • Assyrian

  • Korean 한국어

  • Español

  • Gujarati

  • Hindi

  • Urdu

D219 Community Partners

Families can access a variety of services through community organizations in the district. Our partners include the Niles ELL Center, Cook County Board of Commissioners (13th District), Oakton College, and other groups that empower families to effectively navigate educational, health, and legal systems. 

Visit the Community Resources page on our website for additional links.