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Vision and Goals

We are committed to equitable access to resources and supports for students, staff, families, and the larger community regardless of a person's age, creed or religion, color, disability (mental or physical), ethnicity, immigration status, language acquisition, national origin, race, religion, sex and gender, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status.

D219 Equity Framework

  • Awareness - staff development; ant-bias education

  • Empathy - social emotional learning and belongingness; culturally responsive teaching; data-informed decisions 

  • Solidarity - anti-racist policies, procedures and practices

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Goals

To achieve the Board of Education's EDI vision, we are committed to the following goals:


The Board of Education's Vision Statement for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI):

We define equity as giving everyone what they need to be successful (unlike quality where everyone gets the same).

We define diversity as the recognition of the many individuals that make up our school community.

We define inclusion as feelings of belonging and proactive acts of acceptance for and toward all races and ethnicities, cultures and social identity groups within our community.